Working to Advance
Health Equity in Africa


Impacts of COVID-19 on Young Key Populations

In the first year of the pandemic, HEARD conducted country studies on the impact of the COVID-19 containment strategies on sex workers of all genders in Madagascar, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The COVID-19 studies were embedded within HEARD’s longitudinal research on the sexual and reproductive health and rights of young key populations in Southern Africa (Linking Policy to Programming Project). HEARD is delighted to announce the first of a series of publications emerging from the COVID-19 country studies. Please click here for research in Mozambique whi...

The recent US Supreme Court decision on abortion

Last week, the United States Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade—the ruling that had ensured constitutional allowance for abortion for fifty years. Almost immediately, several states enacted remarkably severe laws outlawing abortion—even in cases where the foetus is  not viable and the mother’s life in danger. Few outside the advocacy circles for these sweeping, draconian measures doubt the highly sectarian and political forces that culminated in last week’s ruling; and there is every indication that these groups intend press for further restrictions...

Writing Articles for Scientific Journals Workshop

  This online course aims to assist early career researchers with publishing their research. It is for any individual, irrespective of discipline, who has not yet published or has not been a lead author for an article, and who has a draft manuscript. The course is interactive. All participants receive a course pack of texts discussed during the course and other documents to assist with writing.  For each participant, the facilitator will provide written detailed comments on a revised article draft that he/she writes after completion of the seminars.  ...

Launch of 2021 South African Health Review

The Health Systems Trust in collaboration with the HEARD, based at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, were delighted to present the Minister of Health, Dr Joe Phaahla, with a special edition of South African Health Review funded by the Johnson & Johnson Foundation. The publication focuses on health sector responses to COVID-19 and what has been learnt, two years into the pandemic. To read more click here

Research Proposal and Research Grants Writing Workshop

  This online course aims to assist researchers in developing essential skills in writing a research proposal that secures funding. It is oriented to individuals who work in academic or professional research organisations or in NGOs that do applied research and run practical programs. This course is interactive, online, and can accommodate 15 participants. Participants will receive a course pack with relevant literature and guidelines on proposal writing.   COURSE OBJECTIVES: 1) To know how to ‘unpack’ the terms of reference, 2) To underst...

What are our experts doing?

In a statement in early 2022, the WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus identified: “ I want to make behavioural insights an essential part of how we promote and ensure better health for all.  As the global public health leader, WHO cannot achieve its ambitious goal of transforming global health and the health of more than 7 billion people without a clear understanding of people’s health-related behaviours. We have the responsibility of creating systems and environments that are informed by behavioural science.“ In support of this statement, ...


ONLINE WORKSHOP 28 - 30 MARCH 2022 This course covers the dilemmas and challenges that researchers face during the course of research from planning through to publication. The aim is to assist researchers in navigating the ethical issues that can arise. The course includes a component on online research and use of social media in view of the changes that the Covid-19 epidemic has entailed for research design and procedures in many settings. This is an interactive course; it will include a discussion of ethical and non-ethical research as well as participants...

Zambia Research Snapshot

HEARD is making research accessible to young people through reducing text density and creatively presenting the research through snapshots. Watch and read the following snapshot of the research findings from Zambia.  

Professor Kaymarlin Govender Delivers Inaugural Professorial Address

UKZN Behavioural Scientist and Director of the Health Economics and HIV/AIDS Research Division (HEARD) since 2011, Professor Kaymarlin Govender delivered his inaugural professorial lecture under the title: Preventing HIV Among Young People in Eastern and Southern Africa: Progress and Challenges in Addressing Psychosocial and Structural Drivers of Risk. Govender has been a researcher and technical advisor for the past 25 years on health programming in sub-Saharan Africa with a special focus on HIV and sexual and reproductive health and rights. Read more Sourc...

1st of December 2021- World AIDS Day: End Inequalities. End AIDS. End Pandemics.

World AIDS Day is a timely reminder that HIV remains omnipresent, despite our attention being diverted to other pressing public health issues, most recently COVID-19 and identification of the new strain, Omicron. Despite significant prevention strides made over the past two decades, sub-Saharan Africa is home to the largest number of people living with HIV in the world. Countries within the region have made substantial progress in combatting HIV; HIV testing, voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) and antiretroviral therapy (ART) have been rapidly scaled up. W...