Dr David Wilson is a Programme Director in the Health Nutrition and Population practice. He is Team Leader for the COVID-19 Fast Track Facility and the Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Fund. Wilson has worked in approximately 65 countries on all continents, including many fragile and conflict situations in Africa, the Middle East, South Asia and the Pacific. He has a long history of work in HIV and was previously appointed as the World Bank’s Global HIV/AIDS Program Director since 2010.




The COVID-19 pandemic has left a world deeply divided, with far-reaching and unequal impacts on health, education and development on the African continent. The profound educational losses to early child development and foundational learning are irreversible; progress on SRHR indicators (particularly, SGBV, early marriages and teen pregnancies) has been disrupted and government prioritisation of health spending which increased in the first two years of the pandemic has fallen below pre-COVID levels. It is unlikely that most LMICs will restore their levels of health spending post-COVID and instead are projected to spend less on health by the end of the decade. Recovery post COVID will be deeply unequal with high-income countries and large corporations having the resources and capacity to recover much faster than low-income countries and small businesses. In the seminar, Dr David Wilson will share some key reflections as the Director of the World Bank’s programme on COVID-19 about health and human development in a post-COVID world.




Date: 13th of July 2023

Time: 10:00-11:00

Zoom Link: https://ukzn.zoom.us/j/98125505640?pwd=Sks2ODg1SVB0WVBTMUxvTldxRnVQZz09

Meeting ID: 981 2550 5640

Passcode: 970757


HEARD webinar July 2023