Working to Advance
Health Equity in Africa

Over the past two decades the HEARD has built a global reputation as a leading applied research Centre that brings together interdisciplinary teams to solve complex health problems and to train the next generation of African health leaders. Our priority research nodes reflect a committed and dynamic engagement with Africa’s health challenges, as well as a responsive approach in driving a research agenda for emerging opportunities in the field of global health. While the Centre undertakes some pure research, for the advancement of knowledge and practical understanding, notably the doctoral training programme, it is through our applied and evaluative research that the Centre seeks to make the greatest contribution to efforts in overcoming health inequalities in Africa.

Vision To achieve health equity across the continent by meeting Africa’s health challenges of today and tomorrow.

Mission To be the leading institution in interdisciplinary health research and education in Africa, in order to influence policy and practice to more effectively address Africa’s health challenges and contribute to achieving our Vision of health equity on the continent. The Centre intends to accomplish this through high quality interdisciplinary research and health education, global health knowledge transfer and exchange and a strong international network of partners. Our work will continue to be inspired and underpinned by a rights-based approach.

Research in action

GOAL: To catalyse, conduct and disseminate innovative interdisciplinary research to influence policy and practice aimed at responding to Africa’s burden of disease and promoting public health on the continent.

Education in action

GOAL: Become a world leader in interdisciplinary global health education and training.

Policy in action

GOAL: Establish a high level technical assistance team to support governments, international agencies and other health sector partners in their efforts to address national and global health challenges.

Partnership in action

GOAL: Create a robust network of international partners that combines knowledge, skills and reach to influence policy and practice aimed at responding to Africa’s burden of disease and promoting public health on the continent.