Jane Freedman is Professor at the Université Paris 8 and member of the Centre de Recherches Sociologiques et Politiques de Paris (CRESPPA). Her research focuses on issues related to gender, gender-based violence, migration and sexual and reproductive health and rights. She has published widely on these topics and recent books include Gender-Based Violence in Migration: Interdisciplinary, Feminist and Intersectional Approaches (Springer, 2022); Gender, Equality and Social Justice: Anti Trafficking, Sex Work and Migration Law and Policy in the EU. (Taylor & Francis, 2022). The Gender of Borders: Embodied Narratives of Migration, Violence and Agency. (Taylor & Francis, 2023). She is has led a number of international research projects on sexual and gender-based violence in the context of migration and on issues relating to SRHR in migration.


Whilst there has been significant research on the vulnerabilities and insecurities facing refugees on their journeys and arrival in destination countries, far less has been written about those who are constrained to return to their country of origin. But with increasing pushbacks and deportations from many desired destinations, the number of these returnees are growing. This presentation, based on data collected with returnees in three West African countries, will examine the intersectional insecurities they face on return, and their possible strategies of resilience in the face of these.


Date: 13th of June 2023

Time: 10:00-11:00

Zoom Link: https://ukzn.zoom.us/j/92493701764?pwd=M0xKRmNScWZtVHByaFlEMFNDeG1LQT09

Meeting ID: 924 9370 1764

Passcode: 974401

HEARD webinar June 2023