Dr Liz Fearon is an infectious disease epidemiologist and lecturer at the Institute for Global Health at University College London. She has experience conducting research among minoritized and marginalised populations including sex workers and gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM) in East and Southern Africa and in the UK, groups who are heavily affected by HIV. Her experience includes conducting HIV prevention needs assessments, designing and analysing epidemiological surveys, intervention evaluations, and mathematical modelling.




Populations who might be socially marginalised, criminalised, or disenfranchised have traditionally been referred to as ‘hard-to-reach’ or ‘hidden’ by researchers. What is usually meant by this, is that these populations are underserved by research and services. From a quantitative research methodology perspective, these are populations who lack a census or sampling frame, requiring innovative sampling designs and recruitment methodologies as well as strong consideration as to how these populations are engaged in research. This talk will consider two key forms of sampling design: social network-based recruitment, including respondent driven sampling; and time-location or venue-based sampling methodologies, along with some broader research engagement considerations.




Date: 20th of September 2023

Time: 10:30-11:30

Zoom Link: https://ukzn.zoom.us/j/98783254381?pwd=Y1hPWDdUMU05NlRnSGFTaUtCT3cvUT09

Meeting ID: 987 8325 4381

Passcode: 226800


HEARD webinar September 2023