Working to Advance
Health Equity in Africa

UNVFD (2013): Training on representatives of National AIDS Councils in ESA: The Development of Disability-Inclusive National Strategic Plans

UNVFD (2013): Training on representatives of National AIDS Councils in ESA: The Development of Disability-Inclusive National Strategic Plans


NSP on HIV show a country’s commitment on how to address the HIV epidemic. They are a crucial document to ensure disability inclusion within HIV programming. Based on HEARD’s systematic review series this project develops a framework to guide representatives from National AIDS Councils (NAC) on how to include disability within NSP. This also includes the development of a three day training and analysis tool for NSPs. The key output is the report compiled in 2012 by HEARD titled Inclusion of Disability Rights in HIV Policy and Programming in eastern and southern Africa.


  • To develop training material and a three day workshop on the intersection on disability and HIV for members of (NAC) in eastern and southern Africa
  • To train NAC members on the intersection as well as to develop their skills to analyse and develop NSP on HIV that are disability inclusive.