The University of Eduardo Mondlane (UEM) and HEARD presented and discussed the findings of their joint longitudinal research on young key populations in Mozambique. The research explored societal attitudes towards LGBTI people and women who sell sex, and the interactions of these young people with their families and wider community. The team interviewed over 200 young people between the age of 16 and 24 years, who were living in Southern- (Maputo City), Northern- (Nampula), and Central Mozambique (Quelimane). During two Round Table meetings, the team engaged with key population led organisations, representatives from key Ministries (Health, Justice, Home Affairs, Cabinet office), human rights institutes, international organisations working with key populations, and academia with a view to validate the research findings and to co-develop recommendations for policy, programming and future research. The recommendations have been integrated into the research report titled “Still in harm’s way: the narratives of young key populations on their past, present and future in Mozambique” which can be found here. The departments of Community Health and Sociology at UEM have started involving students to deepen specific themes that emanated from the larger research project with a view to further expand the body of knowledge beyond the project cycle. During the Round Table meetings, officials expressed a strong interest in continuing the conversation on how to strengthen law, policy and programming going forward.


Permission was granted by all participants for the photo that is displayed here, and we thank both LAMBDA and Pathfinder for hosting the Round Tables at their offices.