Working to Advance
Health Equity in Africa

The agenda for accelerated country action on women, girls, gender equality and HIV

The agenda for accelerated country action on women, girls, gender equality and HIV


The UNAIDS agenda for accelerated country action on women, girls, gender equality and HIV is the flagship policy on strengthening the response to women, girls and gender equality in HIV, globally, regionally and nationally. No research has been done on the Agenda, its strengths and weaknesses and how people understand it to be working. This research project explores the understandings of those involved in the development and implementation of the Agenda to understand its strengths and its weaknesses. This is in the context of generalised criticism of the failure of gender policies to reshape gender relations and the HIV epidemic.


To develop an understanding of:
The success and/or limitations of the Agenda in leading to change for women in Southern and Eastern Africa.
The barriers and facilitators of the implementation of the Agenda for women in Southern and Eastern Africa.

Methodological approach:

Semi-structured in depth interviews with key informants.