Working to Advance
Health Equity in Africa

AIDS and the State Perspectives on Rhetoric, Politics and Management of AIDS in Africa

AIDS and the State Perspectives on Rhetoric, Politics and Management of AIDS in Africa


This project records African perspectives on global, regional and national responses to the AIDS pandemic through a small symposium with senior African scientists from across the continent. The result is a plan and structure for an edited volume of African critical perspectives on global responses to AIDS.


To explore the possibility of producing a book that would ‘read between the lines’ of debates and concerns about HIV and AIDS in Africa, as well as enhance the capacity of leaders to think creatively and systematically.

Methodological approach:

Key research questions:

  • Critique Africa’s position in the global epidemic situation
  • Propose ways that enhance theorising and aids policy formulation
  • Broach new debates around HIV and AIDS that are of relevance to Africa