Working to Advance
Health Equity in Africa

Health and total factor productivity nexus in selected sub-Saharan African countries: quadratic and threshold modelling

Health and total factor productivity nexus in selected sub-Saharan African countries: quadratic and threshold modelling

The sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries have been recording a decline in total factor productivity (TFP) growth, inadequate health funding and poor health outcomes are regarded as problems that might have impeded productivity in the region. This study therefore aligns with Grossman’s theory that better health could be instrumental to productivity growth. In this paper, we establish a predictive TFP model that accommodates the roles of health, which has been omitted in prior studies. The study confirms health as a determinant of TFP and also validates the existence of a non-linear relationship between TFP and health. Overall, improvements in health and its proxies have implications for TFP growth in SSA. Therefore, the increase in public health expenditure stipulated in this study should be passed into law for optimal productivity growth rate.

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