We are pleased to invite you to HEARD’s second webinar in April 2024 which will be presented by Dr Justin Knox, from Columbia University in the United States. His webinar title is ‘Proposing And Applying the Observational-implementation Hybrid Approach’


Dr Justin Knox is an Assistant Professor of Clinical implementation Science and Intervention (in Psychiatry and Sociomedical Sciences) at Columbia University. His research programme is focused on HIV, substance use, social network analysis and mixed methods research, primarily among vulnerable and marginalized populations, including racial/ethnic and sexual/gender minorities in domestic and global settings. Justin earned his PhD in Epidemiology from Columbia University, where he also completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the Substance Abuse Epidemiology Training Program. He also has a Master’s of Public Health in Sociomedical Sciences from Columbia University, a Master’s of Science in Medical Anthropology from University College London, and a Bachelor’s of Arts from Middlebury College. Justin also served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Swaziland, now eSwatini.


We recently published an article proposing the observational-implementation hybrid approach, or the incorporation of implementation science elements into observational studies in order to collect information that will allow for anticipation, estimation, and/or inference about the effects of interventions and implementation strategies. In this seminar, we describe this approach, including examples of how we are applying it to an ongoing observational study among n=600 Black sexual minority (SMM) men in order to collect relevant implementation data regarding the use of evidence-based practices to support drinking reductions. We also discuss other potential application of the approach.


Date: 22 April 2024

Time: 10-11am

Zoom Meetinghttps://ukzn.zoom.us/j/95093853949?pwd=Vlk1SGwzQ0wrZ3lManc4NzJnT1BlQT09

Meeting ID: 950 9385 3949

Passcode: 918315