Jason Madan is a Professor of Health Economics at Warwick Medical School, UK. His career has involved applied and methodological research in the economic evaluation of healthcare. He has conducted and led health economic research across the world, with particular experience in infectious diseases, mental health, screening and diagnosis, rehabilitation, and health system strengthening.




There is growing interest in well-being as a policy goal. Public investment in interventions to increase well-being are intrinsically beneficial and could generate substantial down-stream benefits from the impact of well-being for health, productivity, and prosocial behaviour. In a world where resources are scarce, however, there is a need for evidence-based guidance of the impact of interventions relative to their opportunity cost.


Health economics as a discipline has developed and deployed extra-welfarist approaches to inform the allocation of scarce healthcare resources. Can these methods be extended to economic evaluation of well-being interventions? In this webinar, Professor Madan will discuss the challenges involved in doing so. These challenges fall into two broad categories. The first is capturing the intrinsic value of increased well-being relative to other policy goals. Health economists have developed preference-based measures for valuing disparate health gains such as QALYs and DALYs. The challenge is that the instruments these measures are based on are too narrow to capture mental health and well-being improvements. The second relates to linking interventions to outcomes. The complex causal relationship between interventions and benefits can make it difficult to estimate those relationships robustly.


This webinar will present recent applied and theoretical research to address these challenges through the development of preference-based well-being measures, MWALYs, and frameworks suitable for the evaluation of complex well-being interventions whilst highlighting the potential for these advances to promote greater and more efficient investment in well-being.




Date: 27th of October 2023

Time: 11:00-12:00

Zoom Link: https://ukzn.zoom.us/j/93669177449?pwd=b0laRndocm1xV3JkUjUzbDBLcG9JUT09  

Meeting ID: 936 6917 7449

Passcode: 387307


For more details, click here