You are invited to a seminar Gendered Insecurities: Understanding the human security implications of migration on Zimbabwean women in South Africa by Dr Marcia Victoria Mutambara, a Post-Doctoral Fellow at HEARD. She will reflect on her PhD study journey and unpack intersectional pathways of how different social identities like race, gender, class and sexuality join together to form interlocking systems of oppression and vulnerability for migrant women in South Africa.

About the speaker: Dr Marcia Victoria Mutambara is a Post-Doctoral Fellow at HEARD. Her research interests lie in the areas of gender, sexuality, human security and migration. This research is informed by the pertinent discussions around the issue of insecurities and challenges that women (particularly migrants and refugees) encounter in the contemporary societies. Her work shows how different systemic and social structures construct the different experiences of marginalised and minority groups in the society. Mutambara holds a PhD in Conflict Transformation and Peace Studies from the University of KwaZulu-Natal, and undergraduate qualifications in International Relations and Political Science.

Title: Gendered Insecurities- Understanding the human security implications of migration on Zimbabwean women in South Africa.

Date: Monday, 1 July  2019

Time: 10:00-11:30

Venue: HEARD, J Block, 4th Floor, Westville Campus, UKZN

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