Dr Sarah Khanakwa is a Ugandan public health manager and health financing expert, with more than 15 years’ experience in setting up, managing and providing technical assistance to public health programs, in the fields of communicable diseases, reproductive, maternal, adolescent and child health. Her core areas of expertise include: health financing, health systems strengthening, new business development, strategic project planning, project management and implementation, monitoring & evaluation, research organizational capacity building and knowledge management. She is a Member of the EAC Expert Working Group on Sustainable Health & HIV Financing since 2016.

Dr Khanakwa holds a Doctorate from the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, which focused on Institutional Economics and Sustainability. She currently heads the Resource Mobilization Department at the Uganda AIDS Commission.


The Transaction Costs Economics (TCE) theory posits that service delivery modes result in smaller transaction costs when governance features are aligned with service characteristics. This paper (part of her doctoral study) aimed at addressing the exclusion of transaction costs analysis in HIV&AIDS economic studies. Employing the TCE analytical framework, the researcher analysed features of 3 dominant HIV/AIDS Service delivery arrangements in Uganda: contracting-out to NGOs, public sector delivery, and Public-NGO-Partnership. The study found that arrangements aligned with service transactions were likely to minimise transactional costs. The valuable insights from TCE theory in this paper could contribute to policymaking during the choice and design of institutional arrangements to efficiently deliver HIV and AIDS services.


Date: 2nd of February 2023

Time: 10:00-11:00

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