2022 Examining the Gendered Experiences of Migrant and Refugee Women in Southern Africa Crankshaw, T.L., Freedman, J. and Mutambara, M. Book contribution
2021 Why Doesn’t the Decriminalisation of Same‑Sex Sexuality and Sex Work Ensure Rights? The Legality and Social Acceptance of Transgressive Sexualities in Urban Mozambique Aantjes, C. Munguambe, K. Muchanga, V. Capurchande, R. Poku, N Journal article
2021 Assessing the impacts of COVID-19 on women refugees in South Africa Mutambara, V. Crankshaw, T. Freeman, J Journal article
2021 ‘Eventually I wanted something more’: sexual self-reflections of South African women engaged in transactional sexual relationships with blessers Sprague, C. McMahan, L. Maqsood, L. George, G Journal article
2021 Hegemonic and shamed masculinities: Implications of traumatic historical impacts on black men in a post democratic South Africa Govender, K. Cartwright, D Journal article
2021 Experiences of intimate relationships, stigma, social support and treatment adherence among HIV-positive adolescents in Chiredzi district, Zimbabwe Jimu, C. Govender, K. Kanyemba, R. Ngbesso, M Journal article
2020 Caregiver perceptions and acceptability of a Provitamin a carotenoid, Iron and zinc rich complementary food blend prepared from common bean and pumpkin in rural Uganda Buzigi, E. Pillay, K. Siwela, M Journal article
2020 Sexual and reproductive health of asylum seeking and refugee women in South Africa: understanding the determinants of vulnerability Freedman, J. Crankshaw, T. Mutambara, V Journal article
2020 A Cross-Country Network Analysis of Adolescent Resilience Höltge, J. Theron, L. Cowden, R. Govender, K. Maximo, S. Carranza, J. Kapoor, B. Tomar, A. van Rensburg, A. Lu, S. Hu, H Journal article
2020 Recently formed age-disparate partnerships are associated with elevated HIV incidence among young women in South Africa Maughan-Brown, B. Venkataramani, A. Kharsany, A. Beckett, S. Govender, K. Lewis, L. Cawood, C. Khanyile, D. George, G Journal article